The University of Michigan Police Department’s (UMPD) Criminal Investigation Unit is responsible for investigating major crimes such as homicide, sexual assault, domestic violence, arson, robbery and burglary. As such, our detectives are highly trained to solve a wide variety of crimes.
What we do
- Investigate major crimes
- Process crime scenes
- Collect and analyze forensic evidence
- Complete investigations and submit reports to the prosecuting attorney’s office for warrant authorization and prosecution
- Obtain arrest and search warrants
- Prepare safety planning for victims and survivors
How we do it
Experienced UMPD officers and DPSS security officers assigned to the Criminal Investigation Unit receive additional specialized training. New detectives and investigators attend detective school, interview and interrogation school, crime scene processing and other related training to assist and prepare them for their assignment. Detectives and investigators regularly attend countywide detective and DPSS crime trend meetings. This ensures that our officers stay current, responsive and prepared.
Who we are
Lt. Kevin Crowley
(734) 734-3434
Sgt. Ryan Cavanaugh
(734) 763-3434
cavaryan@umich.eduDet. John Beuhler
(734) 763-3434
jbuehler@umich.eduInvestigator Jacob Yencer
(734) 763-3434
Det. Thomas Cargill
(734) 647-2196
cargillt@umich.eduDet. Kevin Lucas
(734) 647-5611
Sgt. Mike Mathews
(734) 763-3434
mjmath@umich.eduInvestigator Scott Cook
(734) 764-3849