As U-M community members, we all share the responsibility of creating a safe and tolerant environment free from violent or threatening behavior. If you have experienced or witnessed a hate crime, we encourage you to report it immediately to the Division of Public Safety and Security (DPSS). In accordance with the U-M non-discrimination policy, DPSS will uphold the constitutional rights of all individuals irrespective of their race, color, national origin, age, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, religion, height, weight or veteran status. Any crime designed to infringe upon these rights will be taken very seriously by the university and DPSS. A hate crime can be:
- Violence or threat of violence
- Property damage
- Harassment
- Intimidation
- Any other crimes committed against a person(s) or property which is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender’s bias against the victim’s actual or perceived status
DPSS understands the potentially far-reaching consequences of hate crimes. If you fear escalation or retaliation, we can take further steps to help ensure that you, your family and other members of a targeted group are protected. Officers can help with filing reports, safety planning, Personal Protection Orders and connecting you with a variety of counseling services and other community resources.
What to do if you are the victim of a hate crime
- Call 911 or DPSS at (734) 763-1131 immediately. You do not need to be a citizen to report a crime and DPSS will not ask about your immigration status.
- If it is safe to do so, ask anyone who witnessed the incident to write down their contact information and an account of what they witnessed.
- Once you are in a safe place, write down in detail exactly what happened and try to include as many details as possible, including: who, what, where, when, why and how.
- Make photocopies or print out hate mail, email or other documentation. Keep any originals and do not delete or close electronic versions.
- Log the time and date of any hate calls and save voice recordings.
- Photograph physical injuries, offensive graffiti, evidence of vandalism or anything else related to the crime.
Hate alone is not a crime and not all hateful acts are illegal.
Not sure you’ve experienced a hate crime or a bias incident?
“Bias incidents” are non-criminal acts (speech or behaviors) that are motivated by a bias against a victim’s race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender or disability. “Hate crimes” are bias-motivated criminal acts (speech or behaviors).
If you would like to discuss or report an incident to DPSS please contact us at (734) 763-1131.
You also may contact the university resources listed below during regular business hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
For U-M faculty or staff:
Office for
Institutional Equity
(734) 763-0235
For U-M students:
Dean of
Students Office
(734) 764-7420
Other university resources
A variety of counseling and other support resources are available for faculty and staff and students.